Watering Recommendations

For the week of October 7, 2024

Based on the evaporation-transpiration and rain data collected by theTexas AgriLife Extension TexasET Network it is recommended that the total amount of water applied to your lawn over the next seven (7) days not exceed the amounts listed for the following areas:

  • North County: 0.57 Inches

  • Central County: 0.44 Inches

  • South County: 0.65 Inches

TexasET Website: https://texaset.tamu.edu/

NOTE: Hot weather and long days does not mean that we just turn on the sprinkler system and let ‘em go. We at Lone Star watch the weather every week. We calculate the amount of water that is lost from our lawns by evaporation and transpiration and compare that to the amount of rainfall near your home or business during the previous week. Then we provide you with the maximum amount of water that you should provide during the following week to maintain a healthy, green lawn. Then, we do it again the following week.