Strategic Planning Study

In an effort to gather the best information with regard to the current and future state of groundwater availability, the Lone Star GCD has undertaken a Strategic Planning Study. The goal of this three-part study is an expanded understanding of available groundwater resources in Montgomery County.


STrategic Planning Study Resources:

SCopes of work & INTROductory PRESENTATIONS

Strategic Planning Study Scope of Work – LBG Guyton

Strategic Planning Study Scope of Work – Mullican and Associates

Stakeholder Workshop Presentation (January 28, 2015)

Planning Workshop Presentation (March 2, 2015)

Strategic Planning Study Agreement - Addendum 2 (April 6, 2015)

Strategic Planning Study Timeline (Updated Dec. 21, 2016)

Task One Resources

Draft Technical Memo Task I (July 9, 2015)

Draft Technical Memo Task I Presentation (July 29, 2015)

Final Technical Memo Task I (Sept. 2015)

Task TWO Resources

Public Stakeholder Meeting Agenda - Strategic Planning Study Task II (May 24, 2016)

Stakeholders Meeting Task II Presentation (May 24, 2016)

Final Technical Memo Task II (Nov. 2016)

Task THree Resources

Task III Summary Results Presentation (Oct. 10, 2017)

Draft Technical Memo Task III (Dec. 6, 2017)

Final Technical Memo Task III (Dec. 2017)