William (Bill) Hoffman, Jr., P.E.
Topic: How many times have we in the water business heard the following: "First you ask me to conserve. Then, when I do, you raise my water rates. We can't win and it just doesn't make good sense to cut back on my water use!" Mr. Hoffman brings his 50 years of experience into play and will provide us with the information and data that we all need in order to let our customers and constituents know that it really does pay to use less. He will discuss what's happening with water and wastewater rates across the United States (it's significant), as well as here in Texas and Region H (also revealing). He'll discuss conservation, reuse, and drought management and explain how those processes will yield the most water for the least money in the future. Bill will also go into depth about the impact of greater water efficiency on the expansion of future treatment capacity; how putting off large infrastructure projects saves us all money-and much more. I hope you'll join me at H-GAC on the 29th.
About the Speaker: William (Bill) Hoffman, Jr., P.E. has worked in the water industry for 50 years. During part of that time, Bill was the Assistant Director for Water Resources Planning for the Texas Water Development Board (TWBD), where he implemented that agency's urban and industrial water conservation programs and supervised the water reuse, desal, and alternate sources (rainwater, gray water, etc.) programs. He also oversaw the development of future water use projections for the commercial and industrial sectors based on changes in water efficiency. Mr. Hoffman also worked for the City of Austin's water utility for over seven years. Bill is now a consultant working with utilities, states, and commercial entities to help them develop effective conservation programs, conduct meaningful studies, and develop water use benchmarks. He is a member of numerous national and state water efficiency standards and codes committees, and has authored many articles, publications, and books on water efficiency. He has conducted water efficiency audits and written water guides for several entities, and has made presentations and conducted workshops in six countries, including the United States. Bill is a native Texan and currently lives in Austin. He holds a BS degree in chemical engineering and an MS degree in environmental engineering, both from the University of Texas in Austin.
Registration for this event is not necessary.
Contact: Paul R. Nelson | pnelson@lonestargcd.org | 936-494-3436