The LSGCD Board of Directors met on June 11, 2019 for their regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Below are highlights from that meeting.
Texas District Court Declares Rules "void and unenforceable"
May 21, 2019 – On Friday, May 17, 2019, Senior District Judge Lamar McCorkle signed the Final Judgment declaring that certain Large Volume Groundwater User rules under the District’s Regulatory Plan were adopted “without legal authority and consequently are, and have been, unlawful, void and unenforceable.”
To view the press release in its entirety, please click here.
Judge Signs Final Judgment Declaring LVGU Reduction Rules Void & Unenforceable
LSGCD Board Meeting Highlights - May 14, 2019
The LSGCD Board of Directors met on May 14, 2019 for their regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Below are highlights from that meeting.
Lone Star GCD's Response Letter to the Texas Water Development Board
The LSGCD'‘s General Counsel submitted a letter to the Texas Water Development Board (“TWDB”), on behalf of the District’s Board of Directors, in response to letters submitted to the TWDB regarding the District’s Management Plan submission.
To view the letter in its entirety, please click here.
LSGCD Board of Directors Announces Town Hall Meeting Schedule
The LSGCD Board of Directors noticed a schedule of Town Hall Meetings for the week of April 22nd.
The meetings will allow for an update on changes the District has undergone in recent months as well as stakeholder input before the District begins draft rule amendments.
The meeting schedule is listed below:
April 22nd at 5:30pm at the South County Community Center, The Woodlands
April 23rd at 5:30pm at Conroe City Hall, Conroe
April 24th at 8:30am at EMC Improvement District, New Caney
April 24th at 5:30pm at Montgomery Community Building, Montgomery
April 25th at 5:30pm at Bear Branch Elementary School, Magnolia
Please click here for a map with locations for the meetings.
LSGCD Board Meeting Highlights - April 9, 2019
The LSGCD Board of Directors met on April 9, 2019 for their regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Below are highlights from that meeting.
LSGCD Board Meeting Highlights - March 12, 2019
The LSGCD Board of Directors met on March 12, 2019 for their regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Below are highlights from that meeting.
Notice on Exempt Water Wells
March 13, 2019 - At last night’s Board meeting, the District received a number of public comments regarding information being circulated that the District plans to begin taxing private water well owners. To be clear, this information is not being circulated by the District and could not be further from the truth. As referenced in Chapter 36.117 of the Texas Water Code and District Rule 3.8 on Exempt Well Status, if you own a well to be “used solely for domestic use or for providing water for livestock or poultry on a tract of land larger than 10 acres that is incapable of producing more than 25,000 gallons of groundwater a day…” you are considered to be an exempt water well owner. As an exempt water well owner, you are exempt from 1) permitting your well; 2) metering your well; and 3) paying water use fees to the District. The only requirement of an exempt well owner is that they register their well with the District by submitting a Well Registration form and upon completion of the well, submit a State of Texas Well Report. See District Rule 3.9. In other words, the District is prohibited by statute from charging an exempt well owner a water use fee. The District’s Board of Directors wishes to make it very clear that the District does not charge, and has no plans to start charging, exempt water well owners a water use fee.
For additional information, please reference the District’s Permitting and Management & Rules pages.
Lone Star GCD Directors Appoint Interim General Manager
March 12, 2019 -The Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District’s (the “District”) Board of Directors took action at its March 12, 2019 Board meeting to appoint Samantha Reiter as the Interim General, following acceptance of current General Manager, Kathy Turner Jones’ resignation
To view the press release in its entirety, please click here.